The paper introduces the design of simulation cabin display of the flight data processing system based on VB and the software design in detail as well. 简单介绍了座舱显示系统的发展及现状,并详细介绍了虚拟多功能显示系统的设计原理以及关键问题的解决方法。
The results indicate that this method can identify and forecast effectively the over-friction malfunction of flight data tape recorder by processing 312 sorties of flight data. 对获得的312个架次数据进行了处理,结果表明该方法可有效地识别和预测磁带记录器卡滞类故障。
It expounds the concrete way of texture acquiring and processing, flight data processing, model building, software programming during realization of Flight Display System and is of great usage. 文中详细地介绍了飞行再现系统实现过程中纹理采集与处理、飞行数据处理、模型构造和软件编制的方法,说明了飞行再现系统在飞行参数信息处理中的应用,具有较强的实用性。
Design of flight data processing software for helicopters 直升机飞行参数综合处理软件设计研究
On Improving Filtering Method for Uncertain Discrete-Time System and Its Application to Flight Data Processing 离散不确定系统的两步鲁棒滤波方法及在飞行试验中的应用
On the basis of deep analysis of the composition and the function of the foreign flight data processing station for a certain type of aircraft, a general design scheme of a home-made flight data processing station for that aircraft is put forward in this paper. 在对某型飞机进口的飞参处理站组成及功能深入分析的基础上,提出了该型飞机飞参处理站国产化的总体设计方案。
Conclusion: This atlas is exact and functional. Proved by a large number of actual flight data, this processing method is accurate and effective. 结论:该图谱制作准确,实际可用经实际飞行数据检验,该方法准确、有效。
Modified maximum likelihood algorithm and its application in flight test data processing 改进的极大似然算法及其在试飞数据处理中的应用
The Scheme Design and Development of A Home-Made Flight Data Processing Station for A Certain Type of Aircraft 某型飞机飞参处理站国产化方案设计与研制
The New Techniques of Data Collecting from the Flight Mill and the Data Processing 昆虫吊飞数据采集与处理新技术的研究
A Dynamic Flight Data Processing Technique and its Application Strategy for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 无人机动态飞行参数处理及应用策略
Practical results show that the new robust filter is effective in flight test data processing. 最后利用该算法对实际的飞行数据进行了处理,结果表明,所提出的算法是切实可行的。
Design of Simulation Cabin Display of Flight Data Processing System Based on VB 基于VB的飞参数据处理软件系统的模拟座舱显示设计
Non Linear Robust Filtering for Flight Test Data Processing 飞行数据处理的非线性鲁棒滤波技术
In this paper, a time sequence data flow oriented flight data processing concept is proposed that reads out UAV performances in real time and monitors the airborne equipment failure propagation process in UAV systems, using a flight data processing technique. 文中结合无人机的特点提出了一种面向飞行参数时序数据流的飞行参数处理方案,利用飞行参数处理技术实时判读无人机的行为,监测机载设备故障在无人机系统中的传播过程。
General Query Language for Flight Test Data Processing 通用试飞数据处理查询语言FTSQL
Discrete-Time Maximum Likelihood Method for Parameter Estimation and Its Application to Flight Data Processing 离散系统参数估计的极大似然法及在飞行数据处理中的应用
In flight test data processing with masses of noises, the research explains that it is good for treatment of process data with nonlinear properties and other complex distributions. 将其应用于含有大量测量噪声的试飞数据处理中,应用结果表明,该方法对非线性和复杂分布的过程数据有非常好的处理效果。
The success of airborne flight experiment proves the reliability of hardware system in the aircraft platform and the feasibility of data processing and inversion algorithm. It provides valuable experience for the improvement of the next system. 机载实验的成功,验证了硬件系统在飞机平台上工作的可靠性,数据处理和反演算法的可行性,为进一步改善系统提供了宝贵的经验。